The site
I think a lot about the anime I watch and here I will tell you about some of the ideas I've developed. I will try to date this up as much as possible but don't keep your hopes up too much. Thos who know me from one or another forum might already have read some of the stuff in here. Noir (ending)

The two shots at the ending of Noir symbolise the deaths of the "old" lives of Mireille and Kirika. The clock that is shown in the end symbolises that time can and will change everyone and everything. Mireille and Kirika must let go of their current way of life and become "normal" people. The two shots are the two paths they have taken in their life as seperate entities. They worked together for a while as a single assassin (with only that single killshot in mind) and now they split up to take their seperate shots.

It is commonly explained by simply saying that the Soldat executives kill the two girls in the end anyway. My take on this is: "Would it really serve them?" (Besides the two girls aren’t that easy to shoot down ^_^). The two girls did Soldats a giant service by getting rid of Artena. The two of them denied (or rejected) the fact that they were "chosen to spread justice over the world" and walked away.