The site
Izumi Maki is one of the mecha pilots in the series Martian Successor Nadesico. The mecha are called aestivalis by the way, or aesti for short. Izumi is a rather misunderstood character with a tragic past. She used to be married and lost her husband when Mars was attacked at the beginning of the war. On the spaceship Nadesico itself she is a bit of an outsider and cracks incredibly lame jokes where and whenever she's given the opportunity. The only one that laughs at her jokes is she herself, the rest of the crew just look at her with a weird glance and go on with what they were doing. What amazed me throughout the series is that Izumi is probably the most dependable member of the crew. In the series there are a number of missions that end up as failures but never is she the cause of this. On the other hand she never does anything superbly heroic either so that balances things out nicely. Finding pictures of her on the internet is a great hassle, there is only one website devoted to her (this is the second). If you are looking for pictures of Ruri there is no problem. Ruri takes away far too much attention from the pilots and I hate her for that...
This is my little Izumi Maki image gallery.
Sorry about the crappy quality of some of these pics.
But you have to buy the series anyway...
(did I really say that?)
Izumi Maki Solo Images

Izumi Maki "Grade B" Images

Full Cast, Izumi in the background