The site
I think a lot about the anime I watch and here I will tell you about some of the ideas I've developed. I will try to date this up as much as possible but don't keep your hopes up too much. Thos who know me from one or another forum might already have read some of the stuff in here. Serial Experiments Lain

Lain is all about how we look upon the world and letting go of concepts. Lain herself is nothing more than an experiment. She’s based on artificially created being who didn’t have a body. She’s the first fully engineered human, her mind created in a computer, her body created by genesplicing and then fitted together to enter the world.

Her family originally was only a mother and a father chosen for their interests. The two of them are scientists who had major hand in developing Lain. They have no real love for one another and spend their days with nothing more than their dull work (which is nothing more now than waiting for something interesting to happen with Lain) and live off the sum on their bank-account which the organisation that hired them pays. The two of them are stuck together and eventually have sex, they are around each other everyday anyway so why not? From their little “slip” is born a daughter, Lain’s sister. She is raised by two parents who have no real interest in one another (or her) and quickly takes to a very "flambouyant" life. She must be the saddest anime character I’ve ever seen.