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I think a lot about the anime I watch and here I will tell you about some of the ideas I've developed. I will try to date this up as much as possible but don't keep your hopes up too much. Thos who know me from one or another forum might already have read some of the stuff in here. Neon Genesis Evangelion (the Adam and Eve theory, based upon the EOE ending)

First off I'd like to note that I created this one all by myself and did not read anybody else's ideas that stretched into the same directions before writing this. (You might just find somebody else who defended this point of view as well.) I also have a message for all you "pure" Evangelion fans: "I know the explanation as originally intended by Anno!" I just think that my own explanation makes more sense.

God (or whatever being might be beyond) created Adam and Lillith (not the Angels but the humans). He later replaced Lillith with Eve. The forming of his first couple was called "first impact". He gave humanity time to develop and gave them a fair chance of survival.

It took us some time to mess everything up, God realised this and wanted to give us a second chance. Therefore he sent down an Angel (whom we called "Adam" which makes no sense at all just like the rest of the Biblical references in the series). This angel needed to destroy all of humanity except two chosen children who were being born just then. Those two children were obviously Shinji and Asuka. God chose the two of them deliberately because they were very malleable. Things didn’t work out because humanity found a way to stop second impact. God had wanted to raise the two children himself but was forced to leave the two to humanity’s incapable hands. The lives of both of them fell apart around them because the humans around them could not handle the (invisible and insensible) power that surrounded them. They neither the people around them could understand what they felt inside of them thus causing gigantic psychological stress.

God influenced Seele and Gendo personally and planted inside their minds a certain image of what "Human Complementation" was. Gendo formed NERV and drew in the two children. All technology created by NERV was allowed by God only to let Shinji and Asuka feel what power was and how it can destroy not only physical but also psychic matter. God sent down more Angels to test his two "chosen" and distract humanity from finding out His true goal.

You can already see where this is going since in the end God managed to succeed against all odds. Asuka and Shinji were the only ones left alive and the rest of humanity was annihilated. All the people who wanted to have Complementation were incarcerated within the last remaining EVA unit and sent drifting into space to contemplate their lives as their souls grew weary of their lasting lives. All humans who resisted Complementation were brought into heaven (The crosses that popped up all over the earth). All living matter (except Shinji and Asuka) was drawn into the orb, mangled into a new primordial soup and then spread over the earth to provide a feeding ground for the (still to be created) new life.