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I think a lot about the anime I watch and here I will tell you about some of the ideas I've developed. I will try to date this up as much as possible but don't keep your hopes up too much. Thos who know me from one or another forum might already have read some of the stuff in here. Gundam Wing: Training

The five pilots are simply some of the weirdest kids in anime. Since the start of the series I started thinking about how they got to be this way. I never avoid a little psychological philosophy ^_^

Every one of these guys has been through extensive military training. They have all mastered combat techniques and tactics. Due to their induction into these disciplines at a very early age they have become the best of the best. So far everybody figured this out for themselves I think. What I soon realised however was that each of the five scientists had an own look on life and an own approach to how the kids should be trained. To be able to give them a complete training all of them had to give up on any kind of private life and never interacted much with other people (there is an exception).

Heero Yui:
And so we come to our main characters specialization. Heero was taught morals and ethics. He shows this in many ways and episodes. Most notably the moment when he travels around the world with Trowa after he killed general Venti to face each of his family members and appologize to them. His sense of morality is so strong that after he accepted to follow all orders from the scientists he does so. This comes out pretty strongly when he self-destructs Wing in front of Zechs Marquise because Doctor J said that the Gundams may never fall into enemy hands.

Trowa Barton:
This boy's youth has been one big introduction into military history and ancient battles. This is shown by the way he manages to get himself out of and through any battle without ever suffering great damage. His unparalelled insight in the flow of a battle makes this possible. Example: managing to scare off an entire army of OZ soldiers (and then trying to self-destruct) while he was actually surrounded, heavily outgunned and outnumbered.

Duo Maxwel:
Schooled in the arts of evasion and stealth he's the ring leader of operations when not inside a mobile suit. Whenever the gundam pilots operate outside their mechs it's Duo who takes the lead. Two examples: Saving Heero when he was first captured by Major Sally and being the one to come the furthest inside the lunar base and only getting caught in the end because he gives up. When inside his mech he specializes in surgical strikes and prefers tight spaces to the freedom of outer space.

Quatre Raberba Winner:
Quatre is the exception. He was allowed outside to interact with everybody. This was combined by showing him all the wrongs that were going on in the world and the suffering of the people. The combination thereof made him a highly empathic person able to both place himself in another's situation and act as a bridge between the various pilots. All the pilots have been through the most extreme training, Quatre's was the least extreme amongst them.

Chang Wufei:
The tragic warrior of honour. Trained in a number of martial arts styles but mostly in their ethics. The samurai code of honour (Bushido) is his way of life. All the Gundam pilots were separated from the "actual" world, but none of them to the extent of poor Chang. He never backs down from a challenge because of this. The greatest example of his code is the moment he steps out of Shen-Long (Nataku at that time) and confronts Treize Kushrenada toe to toe with his sword.